Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Definetely not Dead

So I haven't posted anything here yet and I realized I do have people coming here, And I assume they hope to see... something. My current sketchbook is about 30% done and I hope to have it by August (before school starts, I will post a flip-through of that one), and I have also signed up for a life drawing class. Actually, today was my first session. I will take between three and four of these and then focus solely on a month for school (not a great idea, I know), and I shall continue afterwards. I think it's important for me to mention I've been doing lots of training with Quickposes and Pixelovely (not that I would ever put any of that in my portfolio, it's just to loosen up the old wrist), and it's been my first LD class in like, three months, so forgive the roughness. I mostly stuck with pencil and charcoal (my first time using it as well), although I did venture to do some inked drawings (with no pencil sketch! :0) as well as some colored pencil drawings. I plan on keep doing this until I am confident enough to use pastels, watercolors and markers, and have a preliminary portfolio by November. Yes, I am not the best planner in the world but that's pretty much all I can do given the situation haha! Here's my output from today as well as some stuff I've been doing. Sorry if it's lame, but as I mention, it's my first session in a long time! (I'll add some context).

 I guess this is the best one I did. It was all done with a Prismacolor Ebony Pencil.

 Then there was a dreadful pose, the model was facing right towards me with her arms and legs extended, sitting on the ground, so I drew the people around me. It's cool to see how into it they are! Top is done with Ebony Pencil, bottom Micron Pen (Sorry if it's hard to see, I took this with my iPhone and played with contrast and sharpness the best I could).

This one would be pretty cool if the leg not in view wasn't horrible.

A redone gesture of the previous pose.

This is actually from Quickposes, I recently bought some Vine Charcoal and paper stumps, so I'm trying them out. I'd say it was a pretty good first attempt, but I gotta keep practicing!

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