Monday, June 1, 2015

Hi there

Hello, my name is Luis Sifuentes. I am currently a 16-year old who has just wrapped up his junior year in an IB school in Monterrey, Mexico. I am an aspiring animator, and I will use this as a way to look back after some years to reflect on my progress. I intend to attend the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) in Valencia, CA, although I have some backups, such as SVA, CCA, and Carnegie Mellon, as the acceptance rate is a little low. As a little artistic background, I had never formally taken any art class up until last February when I enrolled in an eight month-long drawing and digital mediums class, which has helped me improve a lot. I pretty much decided to start this blog today because:

  • It's the first day of the sixth month of the year, so we're half way there (didn't realize how fast the January deadline is approaching until I typed that down!)
  • I am just back from a new art class, sticking to traditional mediums, to improve mainly on my anatomy. (This teacher helped a friend get into CalArts, so I expect big things!)

Without further ado, I say goodbye for now. Stay tuned for my progress!

- Luis